Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Soft neurological signs observed in children with Learning Disability

ü Choreiform movements: Jerky , rapid, irregular movements usually involving the face and distal extremities.

ü Dysdiadochokinesia: Impaired ability to perform rapidly and smoothly repeated alternating movements.

ü Finger Agnosia: Inability to name, recognize, or select one’s fingers.

ü Mild dysphasias: Mild inability to process language.

ü Ocular aprxaia: Inability to perform purposeful voluntary ocular movements to command when comprehension and sensorimotor skills are present.

ü Strabismus : Deviation of the eye.

ü End –point nystagmus: Involuntary rapid movement of the eye ball.

ü Exaggerated associated movements: Involuntary movements or reflexive increase of tone.

ü Tremor

ü Motor awkwardness

ü Fine motor incoordination

ü Awkward gait

ü Papillary inequalities

ü Mixed laterality

ü Right –left discrimination confusion

ü Unilateral Winking defect

ü Avoidance response to outstretched hands

ü Extinction to double tactile stimulation

ü Borderline hyperreflexia and reflex asymmetries

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