We are occupational therapists working for the betterment of children with disabilities  for the past 4 years and are more interested in Autism Spectrum Disorders. we are here to share our knowledge and experiences in treating children with autism and other developmental disabilities and provide parents an access for discussing their problems and achievements in bringing their children up. 

          Every kid is unique; we cannot apply a universal method of treatment for all the kids. We work towards identifying the kids hidden talents and help the parents create an environment for the child to cultivate and polish existing talents.

       Playing the role of a parent for a special child is taxing physically and emotionally. Treatment at the therapy center and continuing to apply the techniques and methods at home consistently is the key to successfully create an environment for the kids to develop talents. So, we encourage the parent to participate in our therapy sessions.

        This blog would be a means for parents to collaborate with other parents &  therapists.

      When it comes to disability, all that matters is  treatment..! When it comes to treatment all that matters is perception..! When parents and therapists can spot and tap the potentials of the child, it is sure that they can make wonders with their kids... With this strong thought we are here. 

        We would like to express our gratitude to all those who have contributed for the development of this profession and those who are undertaking supportive researches in  this field. Especially, the works of Jean Ayres, Anitha.C.Bundy, Jane Case Smith ,  Dr. O. Ivar Lovaas, Mary Lynch Barbera,  Lynn Horowitz, Christine Jane Brock, Robin L. Gabriels, Dina E. Hill and many others are guiding us successfully in the path of journey with autism. Above all, we thank all of our beloved parents and their kids who have trusted us and given us opportunities to help them and build up our skill and knowledge as well... .! 

        Beyond the blog, you can can keep in touch with us at rajeshot@rediffmail.com or gayathriot@rediffmail.com

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